Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up?

It’s so simple!

  1. Click on the “Become a member” button.

  2. Select your membership option.

  3. Pay your monthly or annual fee (if applicable).

  4. Check your email for confirmation.

  5. Download our membership app (web/ios/android).

Why does this community matter?

Black womxn face unique challenges.

Community matters for Black womxn because it provides a space for them to connect with others who share similar experiences and struggles, which can be empowering and validating. Black womxn face unique challenges related to systemic racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression, and being part of a supportive community can provide a sense of belonging and strength. A community also provides opportunities for Black womxn to network, learn from one another, and work together to create positive change.

Are you accepting corporate partners or sponsors?


We always want to align ourselves with partners and sponsors that share our vision. Please visit this page for more information.

What do you use our monthly fee for?

To power this community.

Your monthly fee covers our overhead to maintain our advocacy work, free programs and workshops, our membership portal, and more.

Note: You will still be responsible for paying a discounted fee for certain member events like our travel club, the annual Black Girl Retreat, and a few others.

Is this a social club?


We are not a social club. We are a non-profit membership-based organization that is community and member-driven. We focus on civic engagement, racial justice, and social impact in communities of color with an emphasis on uplifting and empowering Black womxn and girls.

More questions? Reach out!